upcoming events

runs and events for the year

The Club committee, together with help of volunteer members, organise runs and events throughout the year. Members are encouraged to get involved with suggestions for events or organising outings.

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Summer Holiday With the high temperatures in the south of Spain,we have reached that time of year when the SOL classic car club takes a break during the heat of summer. Many of us put our beloved classics away, as not all classic cars have air-conditioning. As many tourists are traveling to Spain for Sun and relaxation, SOL classic car club will be working over the summer to come up with more…

September 2024

Forgotten Gardens car run Welcome back from the summer break. I hope you all had relaxing summer and holidays. As September is coming nearer, I would like to invite you to our September car run, on Wednesday 11 of September, called “Forgotten gardens”.  The weather is expected to be nice and warm hence, visit to the few gardens with water features under the trees maybe welcome change. This is going to be…


Over night trip At least once a year SOL CCC is organizing trip away. Normally one or two nights and exploring roads further afield. Further information to follow.